On a trip have you reached a place from where you cannot find network reception and are stuck with the problem of having trouble finding the right route because your google maps are not working? These kinds of issues are the exact reason why you should always carry a paper map with you while travelling to a completely unknown place. These maps are easy to handle and will help you in guiding the right pathway anywhere. Paper maps might seem to have become old-fashioned, yet they are the most reliable way of finding the right way to anywhere you wish to go. Sometimes, your internet doesn’t seem to work properly and shows you ways that can’t even be reached and that would make your travel expedition a bit of a task. When you continue reading this blog, you will find about 5 reasons why you should always carry a paper map with you while travelling anywhere. The blog will throw some light on the outdated way of reading paper maps to travel as the most reliable method of travelling, below are mentioned those 5 reasons that will highlight the importance of paper maps-
1. Their Accuracy
Although satellite mapping and other technological advancements made by man have been able to rule out the road maps in a better way, it has been noticed that a lot of the time they are accurate. They will throw you out to roads that are completely damaged or rough. Moreover, it becomes quite a task for the program that translates the directions between satellites and map view. Hence, paper maps would come in handy as they are reliable, they mark all the expected obstacles that a person might face while going through the chosen path and the plus point is that there is no need for any kind of translation. It’s direct and readable by even a layman.
2. Better insight on the mileage and other things
Paper is the most basic form of the object, which is easy to carry, easy to read and does not take much space. It makes you better connected to your space and surroundings. A paper map will highlight all the small pathways or areas that might not be updated on the satellite and can help you discover beautiful secret places that are hidden under the overlaps of their surroundings. A person can easily estimate the mileage of their travel vehicle with the help of the maps, they can also get a better insight on the travel time that would be needed and lay out the possibility of other ways that could be taken while travelling to reach the destination.
3. Paper never hangs while using
The booting up of the various software that you might be using for navigation can get you stuck in the middle of the road, these software can get a bug in themselves at any point in time, which can become a serious problem for your travel plans. On the other hand there is no booting up or restarting that is required for a paper map, even if you ruin the paper by spilling something, it is still retrievable, as compared to all these unreliable resources such as your phones, laptops or navigation systems fitted into your cars.
4. Comparison can be ruled out
When you are sourcing a digital map to ride you through your path, there can be a very little comparison that can be made only with the mapping apps that are different from the one that you are using, hence, there is a very narrow lane for making out comparisons that would help you in choosing the best route. While using a paper map there can be a lot of comparison that can be made from many different sources. These sources can be Google Maps, a satellite view, a different paper map or you can even rule comparisons out of a big atlas book that compiles all the different pathways that exist in the whole world. These comparisons can help evaluate the best route to be taken for your destination.
5. Paper maps-the easiest route to your destination
Some people say that it is very difficult to read paper maps, as the routes might seem tricky to interpret. However, road maps are pretty simple to road maps. They have marked roads, narrow ways, pit stops, petrol pumps and other things. These markers help you easily make a plan for your journey to the desired location. Once you have decided on the route to take, all you have to do is sit on the passenger seat and read the route to the driver. If you have doubts about reading a paper map, you can always learn it from the tutorials that can be found on YouTube or other platforms.
It is important to have a pre-decide plan and a list of routes that you are going to follow while travelling to a place on the road. Hopefully, the above blog will help you weigh the advantages of using a paper map rather than relying on satellite maps, which depend on the availability of the network. Road maps as mentioned are easy, affordable, and very handy. They can be carried anywhere without any extras that need to be carried with them such as power batteries or chargers. Hence, be smart with your next trip and choose wisely. Trips can become more fun with road maps as you can make games out of them as well. These games will help liven up the mood every time it gets dull and also get you a better way of travelling using all your resources to their best potential. Paper maps might seem to have run their time out, but they are still considered the most reliable way of travelling, and the one most important perk of using a paper map is that they can be found everywhere and anywhere. So, if you are planning a road trip anytime soon, don’t forget your map.
William Clark
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Set Mitchell
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Dorothy Finley
Morbi eget ligula gravida, pulvinar magna eget, eleifend. Proin massa tortor, are sit amet commodo et, eleifend vel odio. Integer porta orci ornare metus.